Chiropractic For Adults


Chiropractic For Adults

It’s not all about the click

Everyone gets treated as an individual! Whilst we adjust many of our patients using spinal manipulative techniques, we also use a wide variety of techniques meaning we also have patients where we only use more gentle (but extremely effective) Chiropractic techniques (without any ‘clicking’).

This means if you don’t like the ‘clicking’ adjustments/manipulations, or know that you need an extremely gentle approach, then we will support you.

Everyone has a different starting point

Your levels of fitness, stress, past injuries, how long you sit for, will all affect how quickly or slowly your body changes and heals.

Movement, breathing, nutrition

We aim to support your whole health by looking at how you move and breathe to optimise healing and health. We also advise foods and supplements (where indicated) to specifically support neuro-musculoskeletal health.

Real People, Real Results